Thursday, August 18, 2005 Announces Two New Pages

Yes. We have new content. Two new pages have been added. The Cheese Log is a new page for discussions of a lighter nature than are usually found on this page. It will contain cheese commentary, of course, but that's just where it gets going. I foresee it or another similarly formatted page replacing this page as the Main Page. The software backing up this page is too slow and too old to effectively do what I want, quickly and easily anyway. We'll see though. It may be too difficult to migrate the date from here to another place so this page may be forced into retirement.

The second new page is the Bird Log. I have stepped up my fascination with our avian friends and volunteered as a HawkWatcher with the Golden Gate Raptor Observatory. This has unexpectedly bumped up my interest in more common tweety birds, but you can read all about it at the Bird Log.

Get to both pages via the links in the sidebar on the right. The new technology will also make it much easier to simply add the links in the text rather than explaining where to find them.



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