Sunday, May 15, 2005

Official Apology

In the spirit of fostering a good and meaningful partnership with all my artistic collaborators, I hereby apologize for my unthoughtful and inconsiderate remarks of May 14, titled 'New Release from Pussyfoot'.

In that post I say, 'I prefer the "demo" myself but it's a little bare' and refer to the fine studio work of my brother-in-law, Matt Price, as a 'somewhat enhanced' version of the song. Clearly the song is more than somewhat enhanced, it is now a full-blown 'tune' on its way to FM radio play, hopefully even satellite.
Carefully chosen words are the hallmark of a fine writer, and I am not. I should have said something along the lines of, 'The original demo version still holds a warms spot near my heart, as it was the first recording I made of the song and I still cherish it.' I think that is much closer to what I meant to say, rather than the harsh either-or way I put it previously. To me it is not either-or. They are both wonderful in their own ways. As Yngwie Malmsteen and Robert Johnson both have merit, so do both versions of Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwich.

My apologies once again go out to all my artistic collaborators and in particular, Matt Price, the best brother-in-law a guy could ever have.

I hope everyone will find the time to listen to both versions over and over again until their minds have completely blown.


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