Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gov. Warner vetoes Bill that would threaten Virginia's coasts (& more)

Richmond, Virginia - Virginia's Governor Mark Warner today vetoed a controversial bill that would have been a step toward lifting the federal moratorium for oil and gas drilling off the Virginia coast.

The controversial bill, SB 1054, slid through the state's General Assembly in the flurry of activity as the session ended and there was very little opportunity for public comment. Now that Governor Warner has vetoed the legislation, the General Assembly will vote to sustain or override his veto during the reconvened session beginning April 6.
[more below]



During the drought of the late 1970s, when less hydroelectric power was available, over two-thirds of California's electricity was generated from oil and natural gas. During the decade of the 1990s, California has one of the world's most diverse resource mixes for electricity generation. In 2003, about 26.6 percent of the state's 276,969 gigawatt-hours of electricity production was produced by renewable sources (including large hydroelectric). In 2003, California imported about 22.3 percent of its electricity supply from the Desert Southwest and the Pacific Northwest. [from: ]


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