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07/08/2005: "Merriam-Webster Makes for Bad Policy"

Remember the word Bullshit the next time you're swimming in a freshwater lake that you thought the government was protecting from pollution.
Funny how the role of government has changed from protecting the people of the country to protecting the corporations of the country, at the expense of the people.
Yes, very funny.

"Word to the Unwise"

"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) are getting creative. They're
rewriting the definitions of everyday words -- and letting
their imaginations run wild.

"Everyone knows what "waste" is. According to Merriam-
Webster, it's "damaged, defective, or superfluous material
produced by a manufacturing process; an unwanted by-product
of a manufacturing process, chemical laboratory, or nuclear
reactor." The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the EPA
have no use for dictionaries. Historically, both agencies
classified toxic mine tailings as "waste" and prohibited
mining companies from dumping the stuff in lakes and rivers
under the Clean Water Act. With a simple rule change, they
redefined the polluted by-product as "fill," for which
there are fewer restrictions for dumping.

"Thanks to this simple word change, the mining company Coeur
Alaska will now be allowed to dump 4.5 million tons of
chemically processed tailings into Lower Slate Lake in the
Tongass National Forest. It marks the first time since the
Clean Water Act became law in 1972 that a mining company
will be permitted to discard its toxic waste into a
freshwater lake. Other mining companies are already
looking to exploit this new loophole and dump their waste
into public waterways.

"Clearly these agencies have a knack for looking at words
through rose colored glasses. If they keep it up,
"pollute" will soon mean "to help an elderly woman onto the
bus" and "smog" will be "a bubble-gum flavored treat every
kid can enjoy."

"Read the Reuters article, "Controversial Alaska gold
project gets OK" at:


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